
Residual - Unet - Enhanced

class ResUNet[source]ΒΆ

A ResNet - Unet inspired custom model for monocular depth estimation

class ResDoubleConv(in_channels, out_channels)[source]ΒΆ

Basic DoubleConv of a ResNetV2

Performs basic Pre Activated ResNet Double Convolution

  • in_channels – input channels
  • out_channels – output channels
class ResDownBlock(in_channels, out_channels)[source]ΒΆ

Basic DownBlock of a ResNetV2

Performs a Residual Down operation

  • in_channels – input channels
  • out_channels – output channels

output: \((N, C, H/2, W/2)\)

class ResUpBlock(in_channels, out_channels, skip_channels, dense_channels=None)[source]ΒΆ

Basic UpBlock of a ResNetV2

Performs Residual Up Convolution on the input, uses PixelShuffle to produce checkerboard-free outputs

  • in_channels – input channels
  • out_channels – output channels
  • skip_channels – skip input channels
  • dense_channels – dense input channels (from another decoder)


The input is applied with a 1x1 convolution and then pixel shuffle to keep the channels constant and also produce checkerboard-free outputs, the rest is then followed by double convolution