2. The Dataset

Mean and Standard Deviation

Github Link: https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/03_DepthModel_MeanStd.ipynb

Colab Link: https://colab.research.google.com/github/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/03_DepthModel_MeanStd.ipynb

Dataset Stats:

  1. BG Images
  • Mean:['0.573435604572296', '0.520844697952271', '0.457784473896027']
  • Std: ['0.207058250904083', '0.208138316869736', '0.215291306376457']
  1. FG_BG Images
  • Mean: ['0.568499565124512', '0.512103974819183', '0.452332496643066']
  • Std: ['0.211068645119667', '0.211040720343590', '0.216081097722054']
  1. FG_BG_MASK Images
  • Mean: ['0.062296919524670', '0.062296919524670', '0.062296919524670']
  • Std: ['0.227044790983200', '0.227044790983200', '0.227044790983200']
  • Mean: ['0.302973538637161', '0.302973538637161', '0.302973538637161']
  • Std: ['0.101284727454185', '0.101284727454185', '0.101284727454185']

Dataset Visualization

Github Link: https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/04_DepthModel_DataViz.ipynb

Colab Link: https://colab.research.google.com/github/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/04_DepthModel_DataViz.ipynb

Note: To view them larger, right click -> Open image in new tab

BG Images

https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/images/bg.png?raw=trueenter image description here

FG Images

https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/images/fg.png?raw=trueenter image description here

FG_BG Images

https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/images/fg_bg.png?raw=trueenter image description here


https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/images/fg_bg_mask.png?raw=trueenter image description here

Depth_FG_BG Images

https://github.com/satyajitghana/TSAI-DeepVision-EVA4.0/blob/master/14_RCNN/images/depth_fg_bg.png?raw=trueenter image description here

How the dataset was created

Since we need to apply the foreground images on background images and also creating a mask of the fg images, i used transparent background png images, a image crawler was run on Bing to gather people, animals, dogs, cats, bears, goats, deer, cow and human images for the fg, mall interior, interior and indoor images were searched and crawled.

Now we converted the fg png images to mask by filling the transparent part with white and rest image with black using this code,

img  =  cv2.imread(fg_images[0],  cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
ret,  mask  =  cv2.threshold(im[:,  :,  3],  0,  255,  cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

For the BG Images, they were resized and cropped to 200x200 using this,

def  crop_center(pil_img):
	img_width,  img_height  =  pil_img.size
	crop_dim  =  img_width  if  img_width  <  img_height  else  img_height
	crop_width  =  crop_height  =  crop_dim

	return  pil_img.crop(((img_width  -  crop_width)  //  2,  (img_height  -  crop_height)  //  2,  (img_width  +  crop_width)  //  2,  (img_height  +  crop_height)  //  2))

Once we’ve process this, we’ll have fg (100), bg (100), fg_mask (100), now we need to create the fg_bg images

Now to create the fg_bg images and also the fg_bg_mask images, we will place the fg images on top of bg images at random positions, 10 times, and do this with flipped fg images, in total we will have fg (100) x bg (100) x flip (2) x place_random (10) = fg_bg (400,000) + fg_bg_mask (400, 000)

Code to do this,

idx = 0
for bidx, bg_image in enumerate(tqdm(bgc_images)):

    if (bidx < last_idx):

	Path(f 'depth_dataset_cleaned/labels/').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
	label_info = open(f "depth_dataset_cleaned/labels/bg_{bidx:03d}_label_info.txt", "w+")

	idx = 4000 * bidx

	print(f 'Processing BG {bidx}')
	Path(f 'depth_dataset_cleaned/fg_bg/bg_{bidx:03d}').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
	Path(f 'depth_dataset_cleaned/fg_bg_mask/bg_{bidx:03d}').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)

	for fidx, fg_image in enumerate(tqdm(fgc_images)): #do the add fg to bg 20 times
	    for i in range(20): #do this twice, one with flip once without
	    for should_flip in [True, False]:
	    background = Image.open(bg_image)
	foreground = Image.open(fg_image)
	fg_mask = Image.open(fgc_mask_images[fidx])

	if should_flip:
	    foreground = foreground.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
	fg_mask = fg_mask.transpose(PIL.Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

	b_width, b_height = background.size
	f_width, f_height = foreground.size
	max_y = b_height - f_height
	max_x = b_width - f_width
	pos_x = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = max_x, size = 1)[0]
	pos_y = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = max_y, size = 1)[0]
	background.paste(foreground, (pos_x, pos_y), foreground)

	mask_bg = Image.new('L', background.size)

	fg_mask = fg_mask.convert('L')
	mask_bg.paste(fg_mask, (pos_x, pos_y), fg_mask)

	background.save(f 'depth_dataset_cleaned/fg_bg/bg_{bidx:03d}/fg_{fidx:03d}_bg_{bidx:03d}_{idx:06d}.jpg', optimize = True, quality = 30)
	mask_bg.save(f 'depth_dataset_cleaned/fg_bg_mask/bg_{bidx:03d}/fg_{fidx:03d}_bg_{bidx:03d}_mask_{idx:06d}.jpg', optimize = True, quality = 30)
	label_info.write(f 'fg_bg/bg_{bidx:03d}/fg_{fidx:03d}_bg_{bidx:03d}_{idx:06d}.jpg\tfg_bg_mask/bg_{bidx:03d}/fg_{fidx:03d}_bg_{bidx:03d}_mask_{idx:06d}.jpg\t{pos_x}\t{pos_y}\n')

	idx = idx + 1

	last_idx = bidx

For efficiency i wrote the generated file to .zip file, why was this done though ?


Once this was done, we need to create the depth map, by running the DenseDepth Model on our fg_bg images, this was done by taking batches of 1000, since otherwise we had memory bottleneck issues, moreover i had to manually use the python’s garbage collector to make sure we free the memory after every batch

def run_processing(fr = 0, to = 10):
    print(f 'running process from {fr}(inclusive) to {to}(exclusive) BGs')
	for bdx, b_files in enumerate(tqdm(grouped_files[fr: to])):

	    print(f 'Processing for BG {fr + bdx}')

	out_zip = ZipFile('depth_fg_bg.zip', mode = 'a', compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED)

	batch_size = 1000
	batch_idx = 0
	for batch in make_batch(b_files, batch_size):
	    images = []
	print(f 'Processing Batch {batch_idx}')
	for idx, b_file in enumerate(tqdm(batch)):
	    imgdata = fg_bg_zip.read(b_file)
	img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(imgdata))
	img = img.resize((640, 480))
	x = np.clip(np.asarray(img, dtype = float) / 255, 0, 1)

	images = np.stack(images, axis = 0)
	print(f 'Running prediction for BG {fr + bdx} Batch {batch_idx}')
	t1 = time()
	output = predict(model, images)
	outputs = output.copy()
	t2 = time()
	print(f 'Prediction done took {(t2-t1):.5f} s')

	# resize the outputs to `200x200` and extract channel 0
	outputs = [resize(output, (200, 200))[: ,: , 0]
	    for output in outputs

	# create a temporary directory to save the png outputs of current bg directory
	Path(f 'temp_b').mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)

	print('Saving to Zip File')# for every output, save the output by appending mask to it
	for odx, output in enumerate(tqdm(outputs)):
	    _, parent_f, f_name = b_files[batch_idx * batch_size + odx].split(os.sep)
	f_name = f_name.split('.')[0]
	img = Image.fromarray(output * 255)
	img = img.convert('L')
	img.save(f 'temp_b/temp.png')

	out_zip.write('temp_b/temp.png', f 'mask_fg_bg/{parent_f}/mask_{f_name}.png')

	# cleanup files
	del output, outputs, images

	# garbage collect

	batch_idx = batch_idx + 1
