4. Testing Timings and Hyper Params

GitHub Link : https://github.com/satyajitghana/ProjektDepth/blob/master/notebooks/08_DepthModel_Experiments_Timings.ipynb Colab Link : https://colab.research.google.com/github/satyajitghana/ProjektDepth/blob/master/notebooks/08_DepthModel_Experiments_Timings.ipynb

GPU: Tesla P100

Playing with batch_size


total time : 170.1182 s
the model took : 154.6660 s i.e. 0.9092 % of total execution
data loading took : 0.9110 s i.e. 0.0054 % of total execution
others took : 13.0727 s i.e. 0.0768 % of total execution


total time : 157.4680 s
the model took : 149.0861 s i.e. 0.9468 % of total execution
data loading took : 0.7408 s i.e. 0.0047 % of total execution
others took : 6.7184 s i.e. 0.0427 % of total execution


total time : 149.5570 s
the model took : 144.6822 s i.e. 0.9674 % of total execution
data loading took : 0.6090 s i.e. 0.0041 % of total execution
others took : 3.5036 s i.e. 0.0234 % of total execution


total time : 145.5745 s
the model took : 142.2546 s i.e. 0.9772 % of total execution
data loading took : 0.5900 s i.e. 0.0041 % of total execution
others took : 1.8308 s i.e. 0.0126 % of total execution


RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.12 GiB (GPU 0; 15.90 GiB total capacity; 12.72 GiB already allocated; 1023.81 MiB free; 14.20 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)

Testing Model Timings

model = ResUNet()
model = model.to(device)
lossfn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-2)

meow = torch.utils.data.Subset(train_subset, range(0, len(train_subset)//1))
meow_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(meow, batch_size=128, shuffle=True, num_workers=2, pin_memory=True)
pbar = tqdm(meow_loader, dynamic_ncols=True)

other_time = 0

start = time()

other_s = time()
other_e = time()

other_time += other_e - other_s

data_load_time = 0
model_time = 0

meow_time = 0

for batch_idx, data in enumerate(pbar):

    other_s = time()
    other_e = time()

    other_time += other_e - other_s

    load_s = time()

    data['bg'] = data['bg'].to(device)
    data['fg_bg'] = data['fg_bg'].to(device)
    data['depth_fg_bg'] = data['depth_fg_bg'].to(device)
    data['fg_bg_mask'] = data['fg_bg_mask'].to(device)

    load_e = time()

    data_load_time += load_e - load_s

    model_s = time() # model start

    x = torch.cat([data['bg'], data['fg_bg']], dim=1)
    d_out, s_out = model(x)

    l1 = lossfn(d_out, data['depth_fg_bg'])
    l2 = lossfn(s_out, data['fg_bg_mask'])

    loss = 2*l1 + l2

    model_e = time() # model end

    model_time += model_e - model_s

    other_s = time()

    pbar.set_description(desc=f'loss={loss.item():.10f} batch_id={batch_idx}')

    # del data # and this shit was taking 0.07% of mah time
    if batch_idx % 200 == 0:
        torch.cuda.empty_cache() # this shit takes 8% of my frikking time

    other_e = time()

    other_time += other_e - other_s
end = time()

print(f'total time : {end-start:.4f} s')
print(f'the model took : {model_time:.4f} s i.e. {(model_time / (end - start)):.4f} % of total execution')
print(f'data loading took : {data_load_time:.4f} s i.e. {(data_load_time / (end - start)):.4f} % of total execution')
print(f'others took : {other_time:.4f} s i.e. {(other_time / (end - start)):.4f} % of total execution')


total time : 2331.8488 s
the model took : 2289.7168 s i.e. 0.9819 % of total execution
data loading took : 10.2884 s i.e. 0.0044 % of total execution
others took : 28.5874 s i.e. 0.0123 % of total execution