6. Training on Small DatasetΒΆ

Github Link : https://github.com/satyajitghana/ProjektDepth/blob/master/notebooks/13_DepthModel_TrainOnSmallDataset.ipynb Colab Link : https://colab.research.google.com/github/satyajitghana/ProjektDepth/blob/master/notebooks/13_DepthModel_TrainOnSmallDataset.ipynb

Now the model was trained on 96x96 images, so then later we can perform transfer learning to train on 192x192 images

The entire training took about 5.5 hrs, but its actually took more, since there were bugs that i had to patch up and then restart the run.

Albeit the program does checkpoint every epoch and also stores the best accuracy model, every model metric is logged using Tensorboard.

Quite a tiring experience overall πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

Train for 15 EpochsΒΆ

LR ValueΒΆ


Train LossΒΆ


Train - Segmentation Loss


Train Depth Loss

Train AccuracyΒΆ


Train mIOU


Train mRMSE

Test LossΒΆ


Test - Segmentation Loss


Test Depth Loss

Test AccuracyΒΆ


Test mIOU


Test mRMSE


After 1st epochΒΆ


After 2nd epochΒΆ


After 4th epochΒΆ


After 9th epochΒΆ


After 11th epochΒΆ


After 15th epochΒΆ
